Install my-sql in Kali Linux

 Installing MySQL in Kali Linux can be a challenging task, and I personally struggled with it multiple times. Despite encountering setbacks, I persisted and dedicated considerable time to finding a solution. Fortunately, I was ultimately successful in resolving the issue, and I will be sharing the correct solution in this article.

To successfully install MySQL on Kali Linux, please follow the steps outlined below.

  • Update the syatem
    • sudo apt update
  • Try to install my-sql in traditional way
    • sudo apt install mysql-server

If it's failed, try this.
  • Download the my-sql.deb file
    • wget
  • Install the downloaded my-sql package
    • wget
  • Please note that the installation process may not be successful initially as Kali Linux comes with MariaDB as a default database management system. Therefore, it is necessary to remove MariaDB from your system due to potential conflicts. Please follow the steps below to remove MariaDB.
    • First we have to stop anf disable the MariaDB server
      • sudo systemctl stop mariadb                
      • sudo systemctl disable mariadb            
    • Then we can remove MariaDB from out PC
      • sudo apt remove mariadb-server mariadb-client
    • Then we purge this
In Kali Linux, the "purge" command is used with the "apt-get" package manager to remove a package along with its configuration files.
      • sudo apt purge mariadb-server mariadb-client 
    • And run autotrmove
In Kali Linux, the "autoremove" command is used with the "apt-get" package manager to remove packages that were installed as dependencies for other packages but are no longer needed
      • sudo apt autoremove
    • Then we can  install my-sql in our linux machine
      • sudo apt install mysql-server


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